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Privacy Policy and Data Management

Last updated: 15.2.2022

FlexPeople (hereinafter "we", "our" and "us") is obliged to protect data from and about private individuals as well as from and about companies, authorities and others in accordance with a corporate principle of accountability as well as in accordance with applicable data management legislation. including the Personal Data Regulation.

This Privacy Policy describes what data and personal information we collect and how we process it.

Data from private individuals

We collect and handle personal information via private individuals' submission of application materials, e-mails with inquiries and other inquiries, filling in forms when conducting interviews, providing additional information in connection with recruitments or otherwise, ongoing communication about references and notes on telephone calls, etc.

Use of data collected from private individuals

Data about individuals is collected and handled by us for the following purposes:

To be able to process and evaluate a private person's candidacy for a given position.

To be able to treat and advise a private person in other consulting services in addition to recruitment.

In order to be able to pass on relevant data, including applications and CVs, to the employing company relevant to each case only after prior active acceptance by the private person in question.

To store a private person's data in a relevant candidate database.

To be able to answer private individuals' questions for an unfinished consulting assignment.

Methods for handling and storing data

Any inquiries, types of data, notes on data and other matters concerning a private person will be handled exclusively by the consultant relevant to each case from FlexPeople after prior approval of this by the private person.

Acceptance for storage and processing of data by private individuals is given via his submission of application materials or materials for use in other consulting tasks, as all communication from FlexPeople and postings on job portals refer to this text about data, reading the same and accepting the same.

Data on private individuals are stored and handled in accordance with current legislation as well as a corporate principle of confidentiality and accountability in relation to the same.

Data on individuals stored by FlexPeople are stored exclusively in data centers based in the EU.

Electronic and non-electronically listed data on private individuals are stored in accordance with current legislation in locked storage facilities and / or in encrypted or password-protected electronic media.

Data on private individuals will be kept in connection with ongoing consulting tasks and for a total of as long as is necessary for the relevant respective purposes, as long as it is necessary to maintain our business connection to an individual or as long as active consent has been given.

Thereafter, individuals will be contacted for continued permission for storage for an additional 6 months or deletion of data from all physical and virtual archives.

In the event of non-acceptance of additional storage of data for any reason, all data relating to a private individual will be deleted from all physical and virtual archives.

Due to the need for follow-up and continued contact, data is retained for employed candidates or for selected private individuals in addition to 6 months after notification of this, as well as active obtaining permission for the same with ensuring acceptance for this.

An individual will at any time be able to be informed of what data about the person in question, FlexPeople, is available.

A private person will at any time be able to request that all data in storage at FlexPeople be deleted from all physical as well as virtual archives, after which this will be effected as soon as possible and without unnecessary delay after the inquiry.


Justification for storage of private data

Retention of personal data and processing of the same is necessary for our legitimate interest in fulfilling the company's purpose of providing consulting services to our clients as well as private individuals on their own initiative.

A private person's data can also in limited circumstances, with the person's acceptance, be stored and processed upon request to receive ongoing inquiries from FlexPeople and news via e-mail and SMS.

Sharing with third parties

In connection with the performance of FlexPeople's consulting services, a private person's data may, after prior oral or written acceptance by the private person, be passed on to a third party in the form of a hiring company, the company where the candidate is employed and where a consulting course or other similar consulting courses have been agreed. However, sharing with third parties will only take place in the following circumstances:

Sharing with a third party will always take place only after active commitment of permission for this by the private person. Permission can be given orally or in writing, where it is ensured that the private individual has understood that his or her data is passed on to third parties.

Companies in collaboration with FlexPeople who, after prior acceptance of the transfer of personal data from private individuals, disseminate this data from FlexPeople, will be subject to a collaboration agreement between FlexPeople and the company. This collaboration agreement will ensure the enforcement of responsible and confidential handling of data, where FlexPeople remains data controller while the company is the data processor.

In a few types of collaboration, a customer for FlexPeople can be the data controller, while FlexPeople is the data processor. In that case, FlexPeople will ensure that the individual is made aware of this before accepting the transfer of data between the company and FlexPeople.

In the short term, electronic data in attachment to emails sent either from or to FlexPeople may be on secure third-party servers such as companies hired to host FlexPeople's web servers, e-mail functions and the like. These suppliers are based in the EU. Holders of data such as these will only have access to your personal information if it is necessary for their performance of their IT services and in the use of data after obtaining permission to do so via court.

Data may be shared internally at FlexPeople between employees of the company as part of the performance of the consulting services. Every employee of FlexPeople is subject to this data policy, and FlexPeople must be seen as a whole in the processing of personal data, not as individually divided consultants.

In extreme cases, personal data may be shared with authorities or police authorities if FlexPeople is required to do so by judicial authorities.

IP addresses and cookies

We collect information about your computer, including IP address (where available), operating system and browser in order to manage our systems. This is statistical data about our users' browser actions and patterns, and does not identify you or other individual users.

For the same reason, we may collect information about your general internet use by using a cookie file which is stored on your device. Cookies help us to improve the Website and provide better content that is more tailored to the individual user. If you want more information about our use of cookies on the Website, we refer to our Cookie Policy.

If you share your computer with others, we would advise you not to select “remember my information” when the option is offered on the Website.

Data security and rights

Any transfer of data to FlexPeople takes place until acceptance for receipt of FlexPeople at your own risk.

FlexPeople operates established procedures and appropriate technical and administrative security measures to prevent any unauthorized access, alteration, deletion or transfer of your personal information.

An individual has the right to access a copy of the personal information obtained at any time. Likewise

a private individual has the right to request a confirmation of the processing of personal data.

Every private person has the right to have the stored personal data corrected if the private person can prove that the stored data is not correct.

A private person can always withdraw a consent to the storage of data and / or the transfer of data to third parties. If this happens, it will not affect the legitimacy of properly performed actions by FlexPeople and any third party happened before and up to the withdrawal of consent to the handling of data.

Any individual with data stored by FlexPeople may request to have all data relating to this delete from all physical as well as electronic archives. In those cases, this will be done without undue delay as soon as it is physically possible for FlexPeople.

Every private individual has the opportunity to submit a complaint about FlexPeople's processing of data to the Danish Data Protection Agency.

Changes in privacy policy

The terms of this Privacy and Data Processing Policy may change in special cases. In that case, the present terms and conditions will be changed, which is why the policy in force at any given time will be the one written on . If the changes are significant, these will be announced to all relevant private individuals and companies.

Contact and inquiries about personal data, personal data regulation and data policy at FlexPeople.

Any party in contact with FlexPeople can contact in relation to this policy with questions, additions, claims of rights, etc. to FlexPeople's Data Officer. His contact details will always appear in this text.

The data controller is FlexPeople's CEO, who can be contacted on tel .: +45 53715601 or .

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